Championship Season is here!

Erica Wheatley

Hello Sea Snake Families! 

Happy 2024!

- Parent meeting/Booster meeting Monday with Coach Erica and the Booster Officers. For updates and check ins as we head into our final session and prepare for West Virginia State Championship Swim Finals. Also come for some sneak peaks on what spring, summer, and then 2024-2025 seasons will look like (and we will take parent input and suggestions!) Please send at least one family member to attend. We will also send out a link for those only available to attend virtually. 

- Opt in for the Jan 20th meet asap (there will be carpooling)

- We have a few open spots in the evenings for all levels - spread the word to your swim friends. Time drops guaranteed for those HS swimmers looking to hit some goals as they finish out high school season. Interested swimmers should reach out to me and will be asked to attend a practice as a try out to make sure we have a spot for each individual. 

- Homeschool practice group is super fun and a great option for many families  - spread the word on this one too! See flyers attached and visit facebook to share to homeschool groups in the area. (1) Facebook

It was nice to take a break over the holidays and I know there are mixed feelings coming back - some swimmers are pumped, some are tired and sore and out of breath, and some we have to drag to practice. We will start them out easy, work on a lot of technique, and then build up our intensity just in time for a good taper* leading up to championships!

Starting the weekend of January 20th we have almost back to back swim meet options. Please plan to attend at least two of these so your swimmer can get times in the books. We want our WHOLE TEAM to attend finals the weekend of March 17th and all you need is an official USA time for the races you want to swim at finals. If there are specific races you want to swim at finals, make sure the meets you attend have those specific events and then communicate that with the coaches either in meet notes or via email. Reach out to me or encourage your swimmer to talk to their lead coach to discuss their championship season. 

The Jan 20th meet is in Morgantown and there will be carpooling! Please do not let the drive deter you. Find a friend to ride or stay with. Reach out to me if you can drive people or if your swimmer wants a ride. Coach Beccah and I will go up and back on Saturday and I have 5 free spots in my car! 

Tshirt and Sweatshirt orders are coming! More information on how to order will be sent out soon. 

Coach Erica

*Taper - before a big meet or Championsips coaches decrease yardage and increase intensity to short fast races to prepare athletes to swim fast.

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