End of Season Important Dates and Information

Erica Wheatley

Please read this news in its entirity for information on last week of practice, team party, and fall season information.

League Summer Splash and Last Chance Qualifier 

Opt-In ends Wednesday, July 19th! (Today if you are reading this is real time.)  

This is essentially what is referred to in swimming as a "B Championship" for the league. Swimmers who have qualified for the All-Stars Final League Championships in an individual event can not swim THAT event at the Summer Splash. Swimmers who have qualified in a total of THREE Individual Events are not invited to swim ANY individual events in this meet.  

There are no relays events at the Summer Splash and Last Chance Qualifier 

A "B Championship" meet gives all levels of swimmers the fun and competition of swimming at a large league meet. It gives them a variety of athletes to swim against and also gives them a chance to collect more of the coveted blue and red ribbons. :) 

I love the feel of a League meet, and Sea Snakes coaches are encouraging all swimmers and families to attend the Summer Splash that the Sea Snakes are hosting. If your swimmer has already qualified, bring them to cheer for their teammates, work as a timer (13+), help line swimmers up (11-12 year olds), and so forth. 

If your swimmer is on the Pre-Competitive team - bring them too! Enjoy watching the races, feel what a meet is like, and eat some brownies from the concessions. Practice being a timer. Enjoy meeting the other families on the team. 

 Last Week of Regular Practice - and FUN WEEK! 

July 21 (20th for Copper PRe-Competitive) is the last day of regular season practice. We hope the swimmers have had a good time with some bit of fun splashed into their workouts. 

Those practicing on Friday, bring your water in a (safe!) container that is NOT a regular water bottle. Awards for the most creative! 

All-Stars Practice Week 

July 24-28 is practice for all competitive swimmers who have qualified for at least one All-Star individual event and/or are invited to participate in a team relay and/or are invited to be a back-up for a team relay. List of invited relay participants and backups will be sent Thursday night. If we decide to combine some groups and have alternative times for this week, we will also send out that information by Thursday night also.  

Remember, just because you swam in a relay that qualified, does not mean you will be chosen to swim in a relay at All-Stars. The qualifying times belong to the team and the coaches will create relays with the best swimmers for each slot while also following league relay rules with the required ages and men/women combinations.  

End of Season Team Party! 

Friday, July 28 6-8 pm Shepherd University Game Zone 

210 N. King St., Student Center, Shepherdstown, WV 25443 

For all Sea Snake swimmers and their families – both competitive and pre-competitive groups 

Bowling and Baked Potato Bar! Potatoes will be provided, sign-ups for toppings and sides will be forthcoming from the Booster Club.  

August Swim Clinic 

Saturday August 19, 2023 4-6 pm at the Shepherd University Wellness Center 

Work on your stroke technique with coaches and clinicians including Sea Snakes Coaches, High School Coaches, college athletes, and former high level swimmers. For swimmers beginner level to advanced.  

Registration now open. Click here. 


September Fitter & Faster Clinic  

We are very excited to be welcoming back our friends from Fitter & Faster for a Fall Swim Camp (Ages 10 & Over) on September 30 & October 1. 


There will be two sessions each day, both designed for swimmers ages 10 & over. The curriculum each day will be:   

September 30: 

  • The Fifth Stroke - Underwaters 

  • Explosive Starts 

October 1: 

  • Faster Flip Turns, Open Turns & Finishes 

  • Essentials of Sprinting 


If you have any questions about the clinic email Michael Plantamura at [email protected] and he will help you out. 

If you under 10 but would like to join, just talk to Coach Erica and she can recommend you to join. 

Sea Snakes Competitive Fall/Winter Season 


  - Fall/Winter Session Begins September 5 

  • - Evening practice slots Monday - Friday, and Saturday Morning 
  • - At least one swim meet option every 8-week session (locations such as Hagerstown YMCA, Mercersburg, and Winchester) 
  • - Program options will range 2-9 hours a week, depending on level and commitment choice 
  • -Advanced Level (High School/Middle School aged swimmers) 
  • -Intermediate (Middle School/Elementary School aged swimmers) 
  • - Pre-Competitive Team Monday and Wednesday 5-6 pm. 
  •   -Beginner Level (Elementary School aged swimmers and new Middle School aged swimmers) 
  • - Sea Snakes and MASSL League Swimmers will have priority registration and can be placed in the appropriate levels based on summer swim times and coaches recommendations  
  • - All participants must have coaches approval or schedule an evaluation before registering. Level placement may be different than your summer group (requirements will be a little more intense) 
  • Registration will open in Mid-August. Current/Past Sea Snakes participants will receive an email with sign-up information when details are finalized.

US Masters Swimming  

Any parents or graduated swimmers 18+ are invited to join us in the US Masters Swimming program! We had a great summer turnout with a number of Sea Snakes parents, along with some newer adult swimmers and triathletes. It was motivating to have a group to swim with and a workout to work through.   

Starting September 5th we will meet 6-7 am Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Many of our swimmers compete in open water swims and triathalons on their own. We also hope to participate in a US Masters sanctioned event either this fall or next spring.  

Registration for the Fall Session begins mid-August and will be found here under the Sea Snakes registration page.  


We had a great summer, and we hope you do to! As it was our first season in many years, we had a lot to figure out and some kinks to work through. Thank you everyone for your patience! If you have any feedback or suggestions that would make the team run smoother, please email me at ewheatle@shepherd.edu.  


Thanks for the great summer season, everyone! 


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